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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Filling of 'MSME Form I' by Specified Companies on before 22nd February 2019

MCA on 22/01/2019 has published “Specified Companies (Furnishing of information about payment to Micro and Small Enterprise Suppliers) Order, 2019”.

As per the Order, every company is required to file MSME Form 1 with ROC on or before 22nd February 2019. MSME Form 1 shall have details of all outstanding dues to Micro or small enterprises suppliers existing on the date of publication of the notification i.e 22nd January 2019.

Further the companies will also file half yearly return by 31st October for the period from April to September and by 30th April for the period from October to March. This return shall mention details of amount outstanding to MSME for a period of more than 45 days and the reason for the delay.

Since most of the companies do not have information whether the suppliers are MSME or not, FinTax has like to advised that every company should send a mail to all its suppliers from its email to gather the information to confirm their suppliers MSME status. It is advisable that the companies should maintain a record of the information sought from its suppliers for future queries, if any received from MCA. Further the company should continue obtaining the MSME information from all new suppliers

FinTax has prepared system by which this will be complied at our end and you does not have to worry for any details to obtain or for any filling. We will give you the cloud storage link by which all the information of the suppliers relating to MSME will be updated and special login will be provided to you.

Just approach to us and be ensured of all your compliances for MSME filling.

Do contact us

📲 91 9892094003
Tax and Finance Consultant

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